Comments on: In Memoriam: Joe Barbera A rough draft of my thoughts... Sun, 07 Oct 2025 19:47:46 +0000 by: PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » In Memoriam: The Creator of Scooby-Doo Dies Tue, 09 Jan 2025 19:32:15 +0000 [...] His passing comes on the heels of the death of Jospeh Barbera a few weeks back. Filed under: Pop Culture | |Send TrackBack [...] […] His passing comes on the heels of the death of Jospeh Barbera a few weeks back. Filed under: Pop Culture | |Send TrackBack […]

by: Steve Belletti Wed, 20 Dec 2025 20:33:14 +0000 I am deeply saddened by the death of Mr. Barbera. What I would like to share with people is what kind of a person he was behind the cartoons. My 13 year old son Michael loved to draw cartoon characters, especially Scooby Doo. Mike was fortunate to meet Mr. Barbera. A friend of mine who new a friend that worked for Warner Brothers learned of Mike's passion for cartooning and that he had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. He was kind enough to contact some of the staff at Warner Brothers that in turn contacted us and requested we send a picture of Mike so they could do a cartoon cell for him. Mike was very excited that they would do this for him so he went to right to work drawing a picture of Scooby Doo and Friends for Mr. Barbera along with a personal letter. Mr. Barbera promptly responded with a very encouraging letter praising Mikes work. A few weeks later we were notified that Mikes cartoon cell was completed and received an invitation to visit Warner Brothers Studios, which we accepted. When we arrived at the Studio lot we received treatment that was beyond imagination. During the studio lot tour staff took special care accommodate him every way possible. When we completed the studio tour we were told that there was someone that would like to meet him and show him how cartoons are made but we would have to go a short distance to Sherman Oaks where the cartoon studio was located. We were met at security by Mr. Barbera's assistant Carlton who took us to every area within the studio, introducing us to everyone there. Then he took us to Mr. Barbera's office and introduced Michael and the entire family to Mr. Barbera. Mike and Mr. Barbera hit it off right from the beginning and both agreed they didn't like the new computer assisted cartoons but preferred the old ones. They went on to discuss their likes and dislikes of the new Scooby Doo Movie. They carried on their conversation just like they had known each other for year and were old friends. We visited with him in his office for quite a long time and I can't express the joy and happiness he gave Mike. I will never forget the last thing he said to me was “God Bless You and Your Family”. All I can say is what a wonderful man who has never lost touch with himself who was unselfish and had unconditional love, compassion and kindness for others. May God Bless Mr. Barbera and his family we have lost one of Mike's best friends. I am deeply saddened by the death of Mr. Barbera. What I would like to share with people is what kind of a person he was behind the cartoons. My 13 year old son Michael loved to draw cartoon characters, especially Scooby Doo. Mike was fortunate to meet Mr. Barbera. A friend of mine who new a friend that worked for Warner Brothers learned of Mike’s passion for cartooning and that he had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. He was kind enough to contact some of the staff at Warner Brothers that in turn contacted us and requested we send a picture of Mike so they could do a cartoon cell for him. Mike was very excited that they would do this for him so he went to right to work drawing a picture of Scooby Doo and Friends for Mr. Barbera along with a personal letter. Mr. Barbera promptly responded with a very encouraging letter praising Mikes work. A few weeks later we were notified that Mikes cartoon cell was completed and received an invitation to visit Warner Brothers Studios, which we accepted. When we arrived at the Studio lot we received treatment that was beyond imagination. During the studio lot tour staff took special care accommodate him every way possible. When we completed the studio tour we were told that there was someone that would like to meet him and show him how cartoons are made but we would have to go a short distance to Sherman Oaks where the cartoon studio was located. We were met at security by Mr. Barbera’s assistant Carlton who took us to every area within the studio, introducing us to everyone there. Then he took us to Mr. Barbera’s office and introduced Michael and the entire family to Mr. Barbera. Mike and Mr. Barbera hit it off right from the beginning and both agreed they didn’t like the new computer assisted cartoons but preferred the old ones. They went on to discuss their likes and dislikes of the new Scooby Doo Movie. They carried on their conversation just like they had known each other for year and were old friends. We visited with him in his office for quite a long time and I can’t express the joy and happiness he gave Mike. I will never forget the last thing he said to me was “God Bless You and Your Family”.

All I can say is what a wonderful man who has never lost touch with himself who was unselfish and had unconditional love, compassion and kindness for others. May God Bless Mr. Barbera and his family we have lost one of Mike’s best friends.
