Bravo for the find! Clearly I didn’t look long or hard enough.
]]>“Michael Palin : Hello I am just listening to this record with my wife and our au-pair and I’d like to say how shocked we are that a pleasant collection of Norwegian folk songs should be turned into an excuse for communist propaganda of the shoddiest kind. What’s gone wrong with the world. I can’t even take a bath without 6 or 7 communists jumping in with me. They’re in my shirt cupboard and Breshnev and Kosegan are in the kitchen now eating my wife’s jam. Oh they are cutting off my legs. I can see them peeping out of my wife’s blouse. Why doesn’t Mr Maulding do something about it before it is to late. Ohhhh….God…”
What’s especially amusing is the original quote is also complaining about hidden communist messages in a commercial product.
]]>Along those lines I would recommend this post at Electric Venom.
]]>And Debbie Schlussel, which should tell you everything–she thought Fred Thompson was kowtowing to Islamists because he had Spencer Abraham as an adviser (ZOMG, he’s half Lebanese!!).
I sort of consider them a pretty reliable barometer of nutty overreaction, although Johnson is usually much less paranoid (he’s pretty rough on the paranoid right in most cases).
That Michelle Malkin includes Meghan McCain in her rant is no surprise; she IS the daughter of the terrorist- and NAU/Reconquista-loving scary John McCain “Juan McAmnesty,” after all.
More to the point: Malkin can’t see well.