Comments on: 29% A rough draft of my thoughts... Tue, 16 Nov 2025 04:25:28 -0600 hourly 1 By: PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Sad Politics PoliBlog: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Sad Politics Tue, 19 Sep 2025 16:14:14 +0000 [...] And perhaps the President’s recent rise in approval indicates that his stance here has some political salience. However, I wouldn’t suggest that his proponents get too excited yet: he is still only at 44%–and that isn’t enough to win a presidential election. Indeed, it is still pretty bad and only looks better when one considers that the president was recently at 29%. Filed under: US Politics | |Send TrackBack [...] [...] And perhaps the President’s recent rise in approval indicates that his stance here has some political salience. However, I wouldn’t suggest that his proponents get too excited yet: he is still only at 44%–and that isn’t enough to win a presidential election. Indeed, it is still pretty bad and only looks better when one considers that the president was recently at 29%. Filed under: US Politics | |Send TrackBack [...]

By: Buckland Buckland Fri, 12 May 2025 19:57:47 +0000 Many investors thought they were geniuses in the 90's when all stocks were rising quickly. Lesson: Never confuse genius with a bull market. Now people see Bush's support falling to new lows. However he's still at least as good as congress or Kerry (saw recently that Kerry's approval was at 25%). Lesson: Don't confuse a surley electorate with disapproval of any particular politician. Many investors thought they were geniuses in the 90′s when all stocks were rising quickly. Lesson: Never confuse genius with a bull market.

Now people see Bush’s support falling to new lows. However he’s still at least as good as congress or Kerry (saw recently that Kerry’s approval was at 25%). Lesson: Don’t confuse a surley electorate with disapproval of any particular politician.

By: Dr. Steven Taylor Dr. Steven Taylor Fri, 12 May 2025 18:14:34 +0000 I just saw that. And it may be that the whole thing works in Bush's favor. Still, I will be interested in seeing how things look once it all sinks in. I just saw that. And it may be that the whole thing works in Bush’s favor. Still, I will be interested in seeing how things look once it all sinks in.

By: eric eric Fri, 12 May 2025 18:07:58 +0000 If this poll is to be believed: Then I wonder how much difference the NSA thing will make. If this poll is to be believed:

Then I wonder how much difference the NSA thing will make.
