I have to take issue with Daniel Barno and John Cole who criticize Bush for not having his priorities straight. As Barno says "First things first George; the troops in Iraq and then the Economy, then we'll worry about the homosexual problem in this country."
Fair enough, but that ain't the way it works, otherwise all Bush would talk about would be security (since, on balance, there isn't all that much he can do about the economy, rhetoric notwithstanding). That would make for an odd campaign and cede quite a bit of political territory to Kerry. Further, making one speeh on this topic is hardly going to distract Bush with the other work of the Presidency.
Bush will mention a lot of things over the next 8 months that aren't A-One priorities, but just because a given topic gets some attention doesn't mean that the topic is dominating governing for that moment in time (or even that much is going on beyond the speech of the moment).
geeze they WANT leaders who only work on 2 of this county's issues at a time?
what a scary thought
Posted by: Paul at February 24, 2025 09:12 PMAnd let's see here... The MA State Supreme Court tells the legislature to rewrite marriage law and the San Francisco mayor decides to ignore the law and marry homosexuals anyways. I really, really doubt that Bush brought this issue up. C'mon, duh!
And I guess the lesson of the left here is: worry about terrorist so we can criticize you, but don't look at anything else we are doing!
Posted by: John Lemon at February 24, 2025 10:48 PMOf course I am not so naive to think Bush shouldn't confront this issue. I agree this is important in his campaign/administration and it needs to be covered. I wasn't finger-pointing exclusively at Bush, I was simply saying there are more important issues than this silly gay marriage 'mumbo-jumbo' for everyone (not just Bush) to worry about.
I understand Bush wasn't exactly the person to bring this all into the limelight as of late, but I also do not think all this talk about an amendment to the constitution is the way to go. It will do nothing more than weaken The Constitution's stature and introduce the Government to a part of our lives that it does not need to meet.
I also feel it showed incredible disrespect and distaste to ignore the law of the land in California. Acts such as those are nothing more than strains on the fiber of the law. Definitely a scary thought when you consider that by ignoring a law once how much easier would it be to ignore it a second time?
Posted by: Daniel Barno at February 24, 2025 11:05 PMOf course I am not so naive to think Bush shouldn't confront this issue. I agree this is important in his campaign/administration and it needs to be covered. I wasn't finger-pointing exclusively at Bush, I was simply saying there are more important issues than this silly gay marriage 'mumbo-jumbo' for everyone (not just Bush) to worry about.
I understand Bush wasn't exactly the person to bring this all into the limelight as of late, but I also do not think all this talk about an amendment to the constitution is the way to go. It will do nothing more than weaken The Constitution's stature and introduce the Government to a part of our lives that it does not need to meet.
I also feel it showed incredible disrespect and distaste to ignore the law of the land in California. Acts such as those are nothing more than strains on the fiber of the law. Definitely a scary thought when you consider that by ignoring a law once how much easier would it be to ignore it a second time?
Posted by: Daniel Barno at February 24, 2025 11:05 PMWalking and chewing gum simultaneously. Hmmm.
And it's hardly a bad thing in a Republic when those seeking to represent the people actually listen to their concerns. Clearly, gay marriage is a hot topic.
Posted by: James Joyner at February 24, 2025 11:11 PMWow! Daniel really had something to say, so he said it twice.
I think the Democrats should really run on this topic. Its a winner!
Posted by: John Lemon at February 25, 2025 01:49 AMOh, and one other thing. There are a lot more things in this world other than my recycling pickup on Thursdays. But, damnit, if they don't pick it up you are going to see one stark raving made piece of fruit.
Posted by: John Lemon at February 25, 2025 01:51 AMThe conservative base want a "standard bearer". Bush is absolutely right in taking a stand on this issue. This has become more of an issue than it should be due to the legal activism running rampant in this country. It's about time the conservative base had someone who is willing to "put it on the line". Liberals have been driving political and social issues in this country for too long.
As I see it, Bush is actually willing to stand up for the "silent majority". It's about time.
Posted by: Jim G. at February 25, 2025 08:44 AM