Comments on: Comment Response A rough draft of my thoughts... Mon, 08 May 2025 15:48:27 +0000 by: Landolf Matt Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 Dreams are made to be destroyed. Nightmares are forever. Dreams are made to be destroyed. Nightmares are forever.

by: Steven Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 Bryan, It is a rather strained argument, to be sure. If the CIA, FBI and WH all knew who the leaker was, as I said before somewhere, he/she would be in cuffs at this point. It is a rather ridiculous assertion. S Bryan,

It is a rather strained argument, to be sure. If the CIA, FBI and WH all knew who the leaker was, as I said before somewhere, he/she would be in cuffs at this point. It is a rather ridiculous assertion.


by: bryan Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <i>Not at this level of visibility they aren't. And I can tell you the CIA, the FBI, and the WH know--without any question--who the leaker is. The question is how much DoJ is willing to carry the water for the WH.</i> Hmmm. Maybe JadeGold is the leaker! Not at this level of visibility they aren’t. And I can tell you the CIA, the FBI, and the WH know–without any question–who the leaker is. The question is how much DoJ is willing to carry the water for the WH.

Hmmm. Maybe JadeGold is the leaker!

by: Paul Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 To summarize JadeGold1's hallucinations and delusions: Bush is the Devil. To summarize JadeGold1’s hallucinations and delusions:

Bush is the Devil.

by: OUTSIDE THE BELTWAY Wed, 31 Dec 1969 17:59:59 +0000 <strong>NOVAK-GATE V</strong> Steven Taylor has a pretty fair wrap-up of the Novak-Plame scandal.... NOVAK-GATE V
Steven Taylor has a pretty fair wrap-up of the Novak-Plame scandal….
