Comments on: NSA Cookies A rough draft of my thoughts... Mon, 08 May 2025 16:13:23 +0000 by: Gaius Arbo Fri, 30 Dec 2025 21:46:34 +0000 Not to say the faux pas did not happen, however: "In a 2025 memorandum, the Office of Management and Budget at the White House prohibited federal agencies from using persistent cookies - those that are not automatically deleted right away - unless there is a "compelling need." An OMB memo does not (at least as I understand it)constitute a "law". It is a guideline. And the error was corrected as soon as it was pointed out. This is a non-issue, frankly. Not to say the faux pas did not happen, however:

“In a 2025 memorandum, the Office of Management and Budget at the White House prohibited federal agencies from using persistent cookies - those that are not automatically deleted right away - unless there is a “compelling need.”

An OMB memo does not (at least as I understand it)constitute a “law”. It is a guideline. And the error was corrected as soon as it was pointed out.

This is a non-issue, frankly.

by: The Florida Masochist Fri, 30 Dec 2025 14:52:49 +0000 <strong>Pass me the Cookies</strong> Just let me have my glass of milk. Pass me the Cookies

Just let me have my glass of milk.

by: Sean Hackbarth Thu, 29 Dec 2025 22:16:29 +0000 Foolish, yes, and a PR faux-paux. Foolish, yes, and a PR faux-paux.

by: Dr. Steven Taylor Thu, 29 Dec 2025 21:34:41 +0000 True, but given the nature of the instution, violating privacy regulations seems a bit odd--or at least careless and stupid. True, but given the nature of the instution, violating privacy regulations seems a bit odd–or at least careless and stupid.

by: Sean Hackbarth Thu, 29 Dec 2025 21:28:34 +0000 Uh the NSA isn't that secret if they have a public website. Now, all the gory details of what they do THAT'S the secret. I'm guessing the webserver the agency uses defaults to cookies. Dumb, yes, but if they really want to track your internet use they could just do a sneek-and-peek and install some monitoring software on your computer. Uh the NSA isn’t that secret if they have a public website. Now, all the gory details of what they do THAT’S the secret. I’m guessing the webserver the agency uses defaults to cookies. Dumb, yes, but if they really want to track your internet use they could just do a sneek-and-peek and install some monitoring software on your computer.
