July 25, 2025My News ConsumptionGiven all this talk about media, I thought I would detail my normal news- acquisition by category. Feel free to play along with your own list--and link back to this one if you do. 1. Newspapers I peruse the NYT and WaPo daily. I also acquire basic news via the AP, Reuters and aggregations of the wires via Yahoo. The only dead tree newspaper I read is the local one: the Montgomery Advertiser. I frequently check out USAT and the LAT 2. Television News and Commentary Daily/semi-daily: Special Report with Brit Hume, Hardball, Countdown with Keith Olberman. Occasionally: Dennis Miller, Kudlow and Kramer Sabbath Punditry: Weekly, Meet the Press, Fox News Sunday, The Chris Matthews Show. Occassionally, This Week with George Stephanapolous and CNN's Late Edition. During a major event (breaking news story, State of the Union, etc.) I tend to set up "base" on Fox or MSNBC and flip around to CNN and the broadcast networks I haven't watched the network news on a regular basis since 1998--prior to that I often watched the ABC version more than any other. 3. News/Opinion Magazines. I currently subscribe to Newsweek, and recently allowed a subscription to Time to lapse. I frequently read Slate as well. 4. Radio -NPR's Morning Edition and All Things Considered largely daily. -Talk Radio: Michael Medved and Rush Limbaugh, semi-daily. I occasionally listen to Laura Ingram. 5. Blogs Partially it depends on who has updated when I am online (if you are the blogroll, I read likely visit your site multiple times a week at least), but most mornings I invariably check out OTB, Dean's World, Betsy's Page, The World Around You, Wizbang, Arguing with Signposts, The Corner and Vodkapundit. Beyond those in a given day I am almost certainly going to visit the following whenever I see they are updated: Political Animal, Daniel Drezner, Viking Pundit, PoliPundit, Priorities and frivolities, The American Mind, Signifying Nothing, Michelle Malkin, InstaPundit and Prof. Bainbridge. (Although to be fair, I visit more than even those, usually and I am no doubt leaving someone out). My Essentials If I have limited time in the day, I am likely to at least listen to NPR and some talk radio (I am in the car at least 1:30 daily) and will skim the NYT and watch at least part of Special Report. An "essentials" Sunday means MTP and Fox News Sunday with some fast-forwarding in places. My self-evaluation is that I get a pretty diverse news/opinion flow and that the only glaring omission is that there is almost no CNN programming on the list. My obvious spots of right-wing bias come in terms of the blogs I read the most and talk radio (but, of course, there isn't any liberal talk radio for me to choose from around here, and I do listen to a substantial amount of NPR). Posted by Steven Taylor at July 25, 2025 03:49 PM | TrackBackComments
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