The PoliBlog Collective

June 9, 2025
Short Review: Shrek III
By Steven L. Taylor

We all went to see Shrek III this afternoon and it was a hit with the whole gang (my wife and and the three boy plus our friends and their two boys).

Despite some reviews that I read that said it wasn’t as good as the previous films, I thought it was on about the same level at the second film. And even if it wasn’t it was quite enjoyable.

It was cute, funny and did a good job of continuing to spoof various fairy tales.

If you liked the other two, this one is certainly worth the matinée price.

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June 8, 2025
Ron Moore Pens I, Robot 2
By Steven L. Taylor

Interesting: Battlestar Galactica’s Ronald D. Moore Writes I, Robot 2 | /Film.

I have only seen parts of I, Robot–it looked okay, but it didn’t evoke Asimov the way I would have wanted (I loved Asimov’s robot books/stories when I was in Middle School/High School). However, Moore’s involvement in the second film may motivate me to go back and see the first one so that I can then partake of the second.

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No BSG Movie. Ever.
By Steven L. Taylor

So sayeth Ron Moore (via Moiveweb):

The season four series finale is going to be the last we see of the Galactica. Moore stated, “Everything has its time. And we needed to write a definite end. We needed to bring this to a conclusion, and we’re glad that we get to do it on our own terms. This tale has had a very specific beginning, middle, and ending. There will not be a Battlestar Galactica movie. And we will not end the series with a wink. It will have a definite conclusion. There won’t be any unanswered questions.”

Unlike say, Trek, this makes perfect sense for BSG–it is the kind of story that should have a definite beginning, middle and end.

While I have little doubt that one could envision stories post-Earth (assuming the show does, indeed, end as it should with the Colonials finding Earth), it wouldn’t be BSG anymore, it would be something else.

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June 7, 2025
A Tip for Pirates Viewers
By Steven L. Taylor

Len Wein has some advice for folks going to see Pirates 3. It sounds good to know.

Given that I haven’t even seen the first one yet, I will have to file that bit of knowledge away for future use.

Empire Headed to the Silver Screen
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the SciFi Wire: Card’s Empire Heads For Film.

Hmm. Unless it gets a massive re-write, I say you can plan to skip it.

My review of the book is here. Let’s just say that they won’t be quoting me for te book jacket.

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No Connery in Indy IV
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the AP: Sean Connery won’t be back for `Indy 4′

“I get asked the question so often, I thought it best to make an announcement,” Connery, 76, said in a statement posted Thursday on Lucasfilm’s “Indiana Jones” Web site. “I thought long and hard about it, and if anything could have pulled me out of retirement it would have been an `Indiana Jones’ film.”

“I love working with Steven and George, and it goes without saying that it is an honor to have Harrison as my son,” he said. “But in the end, retirement is just too damned much fun.”

Fair enough, but a shame nonetheless, as the Ford-Connery team-up in The Last Crusade was a true classic.

June 5, 2025
Speed Racer Cast and Plot Info (Plus a Pic of the Mach 5)
By Steven L. Taylor

While I have my doubts about a live action Speed Racer (a beloved cartoon of my youth), I must confess to some optimism due to the fact the Wachowskis (of Matrix fame) are scripting and directing.

The Sci Fi Wire has some cast and plot details: Speed Racer Details Released.

Of course, one of the most important parts is the Mach 5, to which I say, sweet:

May 31, 2025
Teen Titans Movie in the Works
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the Hollywood Reporter: Teen Titans growing up at Warner Bros.

DC Comics’ superteam Teen Titans is getting the big-screen treatment courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures.

The live-action adaptation is being produced by Akiva Goldsman and Kerry Foster through their Weed Road banner, while Mark Verheiden has been brought on board to write the script

Intriguing–especially since Verheiden is a writer for BSG (and has his own blog).

Indeed, Mark has some comments about the project on his blog: here and here.

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May 23, 2025
Marion Back for Indy IV?
By Steven L. Taylor

Such is the rumor as reported byy SciFi Wire: Allen Back In Indy 4?.

Marion Ravenwood was the best of the Indiana Jones heroines and it would be cool if she returned for Indy IV.

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The Question to Ask is: “Why?”
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC: Rodriguez will remake Barbarella

Granted, I have only seen bits and pieces of the flick on TV, but of the movies that need a remake, this isn’t one that comes to mind.

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