The PoliBlog Collective

February 26, 2025
Tidbit on the New Knight Rider and the Question of Inappropriate Scenes
By Steven L. Taylor

Ok, so I Tivo’d the new Knight Rider movie/pilot because I though my boys, who like shows about cars, might enjoy it. Apparently it bored my Eldest, so that they only watched the first few minutes.

I finally watched the teaser and started the first act and while the car was pretty cool (the little I saw) and it was compelling in a vacuous action show kind of way, I decided I had better things to do after 15-ish minutes.

However, I was really displeased by the first time we see “Michael” (whom I assume is the new main character). We first see him in bed sleeping with a (nude?) hot chick (good for him and all that), and he is joined, within a minute or so, by another scantily clad hot chick–the suggestion being that the three of them had a wild night is rather obvious. Ok, so more power to him, his powers of persuasion and his virility, but really, is this necessary in a show that clearly hopes to capture a younger demographic that would include fairly young kids? Further, there is little doubt that the scene was a throw-away one that was not central to plot or character development, unless the new Knight Rider isn’t just about a cool talking car and ’splosions, but is also about the complexities of polyamory.

I am aware that kids often ignore things outside of their experience. When I was six years old, and enthralled with the original Star Trek, the whole “Kirk pulling on his boots” thing did not register. And I had no idea what Fonzie was up to. Regardless, one semi-nude woman in bed with the protagonist might, indeed, inspire questions from my kids, and certainly the two women in bed with hero isn’t the kind of thing that I should have to explain.

This reminds me of the blatant masturbation reference in Transformers. My Middle Son loves Transformers but I am not going to buy the DVD because of that ref and several others unnecessary items that I felt were wholly unneeded in that film.

I know that at some point my kids will learn all number of things, and much of it will be learned earlier than I would prefer that they learn them. Still, why do the producers of these shows/movies include wholly unnecessary items in materials that they are clearly marketing to my kids? To wit: the threesome fantasy suggested in Knight Rider scene may well titillate the twenty somethings who watched the movie, but the KITT toys are going to marketing to my kids (although granted, some of the adults will buy the toys as well).

Ok, enough with the ranting.

February 23, 2025
Promo Stills from Season 4 of BSG
By Steven L. Taylor

They can be found at the Chicago Tribune-based blog, The Watcher.

Of note:

  • Lee in civies.
  • Baltar in some sort of ceremonial-looking robe (shades of the cult of Baltar?)
  • D’anna Biers is back from cold storage.

Also via The Watcher, here are the first ten episode titles:

1. “He That Believeth in Me” by David Weddle and Bradley Thompson
2. “Six of One” by Michael Angeli
3. “The Ties That Bind” by Michael Taylor
4. “Escape Velocity” by Jane Espenson
5. “The Road Less Travelled ” by Mark Verheiden
6. “Faith” by Seamus Kevin Fahey
7. “Guess What’s Coming to Dinner” by Michael Angeli
8. “Sine Qua Non” by Michael Taylor
9. “The Hub” by Jane Espenson
10. “Revelations” by Bradley Thompson and David Weddle

The season will likely be split into two 10-episode blocks. There is some additional spoilery stuff in the post that I decided to forgo.

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February 20, 2025
The End of Bionic Woman?
By Steven L. Taylor

So says SyFy Portal.

Michael Himan notes that this is just a rumor, but there is a report that the cast and crew have been told to find new work.

I must confess, I am not surprised. The show never had a coherent vision for itself, and much of it made little sense. For example, why was some corporation allowed to do what the Berkut Group did and what in the world was the CIA doing running around doing domestic ops alongside a private company? None of that tracked.

Further, while the show hinted at some broader backstory, it was pretty clear that the writers and producers really had no clue what that backstory was or what direction the show was going. Alternatively, if they did have some idea as to what was going on, they did a good job of hiding it from the audience.

Info on the Wolverine Flick
By Steven L. Taylor

It’s over at The Daily P.O.P.

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February 14, 2025
Indy Trailer Availble
By Steven L. Taylor

Good stuff: click.

“You’re a teacher?”

“Part time.”

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February 13, 2025
Trek Pushed to May 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

So reprots

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February 11, 2025
Colbert Honors Worf
By Steven L. Taylor

Good stuff:

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February 9, 2025
Sarah Jane Coming to SciFi
By Steven L. Taylor

Via SyFy Portal: ‘The Sarah Jane Adventures’ To Air On U.S. TV

Another “Doctor Who” spinoff, “The Sarah Jane Adventures,” will premiere on SciFi Channel this coming April.

Spiffy. Even if it is a “kid’s show” (which, technically, so is Doctor Who), I am interesting in giving it a look. Beyond that, I suspect my sons will like it.

February 2, 2025
Iron Man Commerical to Debut During SB
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Marvel News: Super Hero Sunday: New Iron Man Trailer Debuts

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