The PoliBlog Collective

April 24, 2025
A Blake’s 7 Reboot?
By Steven L. Taylor

Maybe (but we have heard such rumors before.

Via io9: Blake’s 7 Poised To Launch A New Rebellion:

British satellite network Sky One has ordered two 60-minute TV movies, for a possible “event series,” BBC News reported.

Here’s the BBC story in question: Blake’s 7 poised for Sky comeback

The Guardian’s write-up casts a skeptical eye upon the possibility:

Yes, modern makeovers of clunky 70s series are fast becoming the new docusoaps, there are so many of them. In fact, the only thing that seems odd is that the BBC has let Sky One run away with a series it created.

But it’s also a tricksy old game to pull off. For every Battlestar Galactica there’s a Bionic Woman and for every Doctor Who there’s a Flash Gordon.

Indeed–although Who was really more of a resumption than a remake.

I really enjoyed B7, but it is one of those shows that I really wonder about in terms of a remake. Paul Darrow was so thoroughly Kerr Avon that one fears any other actor in the role will end up doing nothing more than an impersonation. Still, it isn’t as if these things can’t be done.

April 21, 2025
Speaking of Comics…
By Steven L. Taylor

How about a Doctor Who mini-series? Doctor Who - The Forgotten.

Nice cover for the first issue (see link) and an potentially interesting plot.

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April 20, 2025
Dresden Comes to Comics
By Steven L. Taylor

A quick write up and some scans here.

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April 18, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

io9 wonders about MEgo: Scifi Lego Heroes of the 1970s

You have to wonder what the draw of the toys was: That they’re small, and easy to stick in your pocket? That you could pull them apart and then put them together in a variety of different ways? Or is it simply that children in the 1970s were so hopped up on the SF goofballs of Star Wars that they’d go gaga for anything with a hint of space?

I loved the Micronauts when I was a kid. Partially, I guess, it was the action figure era (what with the advent of the Star War action figures), but I loved SF and comic books, and to me the Micronauts where sort of SF superheroes (and this was before the comic came out). And since there was no TV show or movie, I could make up my own stories.

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New Speed Racer Trailer
By Steven L. Taylor

This one is the most complete yet, and gives a better feel, I think, for what the movie will be like: Speed Racer: Biggest, Purest, Zoomiest Hit Of Speed Racer Crack Yet

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April 15, 2025
A More on Target Review
By Steven L. Taylor

I think that the following (from IGN) is a more accurate review of BSG season 4, episode 2: Six of One Review

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That’s Just Mean…
By Steven L. Taylor

NY Mag’s “The Vulture” on this week’s BSG episode: ‘Battlestar Galactica’: An Episode Only George Lucas Could Love.

I will confess that the first two episodes have been a lot of set-up and that they haven’t matched the excitement of the third season finale, but comparing it to the Phantom Menace is just low.

Plus, you have the start of the Cylon Civil War, Baltar seeing Head Baltar and Starbuck getting to prove she knows the way to Earth–not bad stuff, to be honest (especially the Cylon Civil War bit).

April 12, 2025
Analyzing the Death of Red Shirts
By Steven L. Taylor

As any social scientist knows, it is one thing to think that something is true, yet another to be able to empirically demonstrate it.

To wit we have: Analytics According to Captain Kirk.

Lots of good stuff, including this vital tidbit:

The red-shirt survival rate is slightly higher when Kirk meets women than when a
fight breaks out. This trend necessitates the question: How often did Captain Kirk “meet” women? In 30% of the missions.

There are even some nifty graphs.

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April 11, 2025
Who’s the Fifth Cyclon?
By Steven L. Taylor

Peter David has the odds.

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