Via the Strib: Most ‘undervotes’ cast in counties won by Obama
An Associated Press analysis of the nearly 25,000-vote difference in Minnesota presidential and U.S. Senate race tallies shows that most ballots lacking a recorded Senate vote were cast in counties won by Democrat Barack Obama.
Ballots that showed a presidential vote but no Senate vote are called the “undervote.” Statewide, more than 18,000 of those ballots came from counties won by Obama with more than half the vote. About 6,100 were in counties won by Republican John McCain with at least 50 percent
Of course, it is not outside the realm of possibility that a lot of voters, especially new ones, decided to just vote for president and quit after that. Regardless, one suspects that uncounted votes will be discovered in these ballots, and the likelihood is that they will favor Franken.
Meanwhile, the fight over what to count has begun, as the Coleman campaign is seeking to stop the counting of 32 absentee ballots: Coleman campaign requests halt of absentee ballot count.
The current margin is 221 votes.

November 9th, 2025 at 12:02 am
I’m not sure if he’s good enough or smart enough, but dog-gone-it, people seem to like him.
He was the guy who did the daily affirmations on SNL, wasn’t he?
November 9th, 2025 at 12:02 pm
November 9th, 2025 at 1:04 pm
Speaking of senate seats - what is going to happen to Joe Biden’s? I know that in Delaware the governor is charged with appointing a replacement, but the governor in Delaware is finishing her last term, and a new governor is taking over.
So who makes the appointment, outgoing governor or incoming governor? They’re both democrats so it hardly matters in that it will not change the makeup of the senate in any meaningful way, but it is a curiosity that my research has not been able to answer with any certainty.