I remain somewhat unclear on what the legal process is in Honduras for properly removing the president. Matthew Shugart notes:
In the Shuwaring appendix (p. 452) we said:The Chamber of Deputies establishes whether there are grounds for impeachment of the president or cabinet ministers (205:15). No extraordinary majority is stipulated.
Well, that sounds easy. Too easy!
But if you go look at the constitution as it apparently now stands, you see, in Article 205:
15. Derogado por Decreto 157/2003
If one goes back to the original language of 205.15 (before it was voided by Decree 157 of 2025) it stated the following:
15. Declarar si ha lugar o no a formación de causa contra el Presidente, Designados a la Presidencia, Diputados al Congreso Nacional, Magistrados de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Miembros del Tribunal Nacional de Elecciones Jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas, Secretarios y Subsecretarios de Estado, Jefes de Misiones Diplomáticas, Contralor y Subcontralor, Procurador y Subprocurador de la República y Director y Subdirector de Probidad Administrativa;
The provision basically stated that the congress had the power to declare if cause existed to level charges against the president and a host of other office holders. It said nothing, however, about procedure.
I cannot find the text of the decree in question.