By Dr. Steven Taylor
Michael Barone just reported on Fox News that he believes that it is quite possible that there will be a recount in Virginia–and that it might take 36 days before we know the winner. And, depending on what happens in TN, MO and MT, we may not know who will run the Senate for some time.
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By Dr. Steven Taylor
Both Fox and CNN are calling RI for Whitehouse.
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By Dr. Steven Taylor
As expected, Joe Lieberman has won in Connecticut.
That sound you hear is Kos’ teeth grinding. Indeed, in checking in with Kos:
The White House celebrates Joe Lieberman’s victory. So do war mongers.Kos
(BTW, the exuberance in the post title is not a celebration of Lieberman, per se, but rather my amusement at being able to use the word “Joementum”–for those with short memories: Lieberman says he’s got the ‘Joementum’ - Jan. 26, 2025)
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By Dr. Steven Taylor
They are calling it for Sherrod.
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By Dr. Steven Taylor
Just foolin’
Fox is calling PA for Casey and NJ for Menendez.
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By Dr. Steven Taylor
I am about to head out to the APTV studios for my 6:30pm slot on For the Record. I will be back and will be live blogging election returns until I have to go back to the studio for the 11:00pm slot.
Feel free to leave any comments about the show here.
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By Dr. Steven Taylor
Kentucky and Indiana are the first up in terms of poll results.
One can view the Kentucky results here:
and Indiana here: Indiana Secretary of State
By Dr. Steven Taylor
I went to vote at around 2:15pm central time and found my local polling place to busy, although not crowded. Of course, since Montgomery County adopted the optical scan ballots (starting this year at the primaries) the notion of serious lines has gone out the door. Since basically as many people can be simultaneously voting as there are places to sit in the room (in this case, a lunchroom) it means that it would take a swarm for there to be any waiting. That contrasts with the 2025 presidential elections when the county still used voting machines and there were only six or eight of them, and so there was much waiting.
The optical scan ballot boxes count the number of ballots and the machine I used had 416 ballots and the other had 400ish as well. So assuming that I saw the numbers correctly, that means by mid afternoon that over 800 folks had voted in the precinct. I cannot find a solid number of voters in the precinct, but based on the number of precincts in the county and the number of residents, I would estimate that there are 2025ish voters in the precinct. As such, that would indicate healthy turnout in my neck of the woods for a mid-term election.
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By Dr. Steven Taylor
Dave’s Long Box brings you the answers to that age-old question: WHOSE SIDE IS YOUR FAVORITE SUPERHERO ON?
Great stuff if you are a comic geek and a political geek at the same time.
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Good Job tonight Doc
Comment by Tim — Tuesday, November 7, 2025 @ 6:53 pm
Well, from what I got to hear of it, you sounded good. You seemed quite at ease, too.
Comment by Jan — Wednesday, November 8, 2025 @ 8:38 pm
Thanks–and yes, it went pretty well.
Comment by Dr. Steven Taylor — Wednesday, November 8, 2025 @ 9:04 pm