Wednesday, April 30, 2025
By Steven Taylor

My thanks to Janis Gore of Gone South for linking to PoliBlog.

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By Steven Taylor

When there is a breaking story concerning the head footbal coach of the University of Alabama, assistant professors get bumped from radio shows :)

My interview has been rescheduled.

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By Steven Taylor


Pakistani police have captured the al-Qaeda operative who masterminded the 2025 attack on the USS Cole.”

Source: Al-Qaeda mastermind held in Pakistan

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By Steven Taylor


In its annual “Patterns of Global Terrorism” report, the State Department said attacks by “international terrorists” dropped sharply to 199 in 2025 from 355 a year earlier and the number of deaths fell to 725 from 3,295 in 2025, a year that included the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington.

The dramatic decrease in the number of attacks is heartening, and speaks of success in the War on Terror. However, the death toll is troubling–because if you take out the 9-11 deaths from the 3,295 (the AP estimates a total of 3,023 9-11 deaths from the WT Center, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania) then the 2025 non-9-11 death toll from terrorism was only 272. The 725 for 2025, therefore, is a hefty number, given that 9-11 was an extraordinary, and catastrophic, event.

Source: U.S. Says Libya, Syria Reduce Support for Terrorism

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By Steven Taylor

Thanks to SpaztiPundits for blogrolling PoliBlog.

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By Steven Taylor

Thanks to Henry Farrell of Farrellblogger for linking to PoliBlog. Henry is yet another blogging political scientist.

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By Steven Taylor

“The Alabama Senate had another short work day Tuesday: one hour and 48 minutes.”

Source: NewsFlash

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By Steven Taylor

PoliBlog has made it to “Crawly Amphibian” status at The Truth Laid Bear’s Blogosphere Ecosystem up from “Flippery Fish”.

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By Steven Taylor

One guesses that terrorist organizations have to be watching the SARS situation with great interest. The panicked response, and hyper-coverage have got to encourage them to develop bio-weapons. Clearly a successful bio-attack would be far move devastating than even the 911 events.

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By Steven Taylor

Cal Thomas writes that

President Bush may declare as early as this week an end to the Iraq war, but he appears ready to press ahead with the “road map” to establish a Palestinian state that can only jeopardize the continued existence of Israel.

I will admit that I am not fully-versed in the “road map” to this point. However, I think it is pragmatic reality that Palestinian state is going to have to be declared if there is to be any hope of approaching even a semi-solution to this ongoing problem.

The perfect is the enemy of the good in many cases, and clearly there is never going to be perfection in this situation, so incremental steps are going to have to be taken. And while I support Israel’s right to exist, and do see them as the injured party in many ways, they have been far from guilt-free in this situation.

Further, I do not see a Palestinian state as threatening the actual existence of Israel–indeed, it would seem that having a state-to-state relationship would be easier to manage than the current morass.

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