Wednesday, April 30, 2025
By Steven Taylor

When there is a breaking story concerning the head footbal coach of the University of Alabama, assistant professors get bumped from radio shows :)

My interview has been rescheduled.

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5 Responses to “Football Trumps Politics”

  • el
  • pt
    1. James Joyner Says:

      Heh. Especially when it’s a sex scandal. Shoot, this belongs on PSR.

    2. John Lemon Says:


    3. John Lemon Says:

      Geez, and to think that Mike Price was once a fine, upstanding member of the Pac-10. Having lived in Pullman, WA for so many years, he must have been overwhelmed by the big city and succumbed to all its sins!

      …and to use a university credit card. Duh!

    4. Ron Says:

      Big City? Tuscaloosa? I must have been away from home for too long…

    5. Anonymous Says:

    blog advertising is good for you

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