Tuesday, May 31, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Welcome AOL Blogzone readers

Watching the reportage on this Deep Throat business clearly demonstrates that for some, this is a huge story. Said Keith Olbermann something along the lines of “now we know what it must’ve felt like when the 100 Years War was over.” Somehow I don’t think it rises to that level.

It also seems to underscore the profound way in which journalists in their 40s, 50s and 60s were affected and shaped by Watergate–either they were young reporters at the time, or they studied it in j-school not long after it happened, with professors who were directly effected by the events. One does have to wonder how many of today’s reporters went into journalistm because they saw All the President’s Men

Indeed, it will be interesting to see how the press evolves in the next decades or so when Viet Nam and Watergate aren’t the predominate filters through which the major MSM outlets view the world.

At this point it seems that, in fact, the only interesting angle of the story is how it reflects on the journalism of Woodward and Berstein.

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By Steven L. Taylor

Yes, it’s Felt.

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By Steven L. Taylor

‘cuz I really don’t care: Ex-FBI official: I’m ‘Deep Throat’.

To me this is mostly trivia–like finding out who Carly Simon was talking about in You’re So Vain.

And with motivations like this, one guesses that the revelation will be questioned, especially since it appears Woodward and Bernstein won’t confirm or deny:

“I don’t think (being Deep Throat) was anything to be proud of,� Felt indicated to his son, Mark Jr., at one point, according to the article. “You (should) not leak information to anyone.�

But Joan is quoted as saying that “Bob Woodward’s gonna get all the glory for this, but we could make at least enough money to pay some bills, like the debt I’ve run up for the kids’ education. Let’s do it for the family.”

Update: If you happen to care and want some details, go here.

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By Steven L. Taylor

At least for fans of the George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Fire and Ice”.

Why? Go and see.

h/t: Andrew Cory at Dean’s World.

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By Steven L. Taylor

Iraq’s president sees Saddam trial within 2 months – Yahoo! News

Saddam Hussein is expected to go on trial in
Iraq within two months, new President Jalal Talabani said on Tuesday.

In an interview televised on CNN, when asked when Saddam’s trial for crimes against humanity would begin, Talabani said: “I hope within two months.”

Leading Iraqi politicians have said several times that Saddam’s trial could start within months. But Iraqi prosecutors and their U.S. advisers say a trial is more likely in 2025, after several of Saddam’s lieutenants are tried first.

They say trials of Saddam’s inner circle will help build the case against the deposed dictator.

My guess is that 2025 is the more likely date. However, it seems that the trials of his cronies need to start soon. A la Enron the goal is clearly to build from the bottom of the food chain up to Saddam.

It is interesting to note that many of the trials of US military personnel involved in prisoner abuses have already been completed before the trials of the Saddam regime have started.

And at this point, meguesses this ain’t gonna be happenin’:

Talabani also said it was possible that stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons could still be found in Iraq.

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By Steven L. Taylor

No surprise here, via the AP: Socialist Leads U.S. Senate Race in Vt.

In his eighth term in the U.S. House, the independent socialist has carved out a career in Congress as a Congress-basher. Now he is setting his sights on the Senate, and everyone agrees he is the man to beat for the seat now held by the retiring Jim Jeffords.

“He is the front-runner. Absolutely,” said Del Ali of Research 2025 of Rockville, Md., which has conducted political polls in Vermont for many years. “He has high favorability ratings, high name recognition and lots of money.”

Given that he holds the only House seat in Vermont, and has for quite some time, it is hardly a stretch to think that he could win a Senate seat.

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By Steven L. Taylor

For some reason, I found this headline to be amusing:

‘Star Wars’ leads inmate comedies at US box office

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By Steven L. Taylor

Or, at least, so I would guess. I suspect that many who are concerned about the infux of Spanish-speakers in the US will find reason to have a vaca (that would be a cow) over this: NYC Mayoral Candidates Learning Spanish

When you’re running for mayor, it helps to be a smooth talker. And this year, candidates are having to work a little harder at it. The competition for New York’s Latino voters is so fierce among Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the four Democrats vying to unseat him that most of the candidates are stammering to speak Spanish on the campaign trail, even though some had never spoken a word of it before. Only one grew up with the language.

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By Steven L. Taylor

Via the NYT: French President Appoints Villepin as New Prime Minister

President Jacques Chirac of France fired his loyal, long-suffering prime minister today, a direct response to the country’s decisive rejection of a referendum on the constitution for Europe that was as much as rejection of his 10-year presidency.

In announcing the resignation of Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Elysée Palace named Interior Minister and former Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin as his replacement.

The choice of Mr. de Villepin, 51, a well-born, high-octane former career diplomat who has never held elected office and writes poetry in his spare time, means that Mr. Chirac has no intention of abandoning his vision of a grand and glorious France with a unique leadership mission in the world.

Ok, not tha there is anything wrong with writing poetry in one’s spare time, but it is rather amusing that given the stereotypical views that Americans have of the French that that would be the factoid that the NYT would choose to put in the second paragraph. There is also something quite European about noting that Villepin is “well-born.”

Of course, we will all remember Villepin as France’s Foriegn Minister durig the lead-up to the Iraq war.

I do not know enough about French politics to undertand the implications of this move, although if the following assessment is correct, it strikes as as an odd one given Chirac’s current situation:

Mr. de Villepin is not liked by much of the French political establishment, including deputies in Parliament who consider him distant from the people and complain that he does not bother to consult them.

In regards to the “no” vote itself, this is interesting:

On Monday, the shock waves of France’s rejection of a constitution for Europe reverberated throughout the Continent, with Britain suggesting that it might cancel its own popular vote on the document and the naysayers in the Netherlands gaining even more confidence that a no vote will prevail in a referendum there on Wednesday.

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Monday, May 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Well, after ending up going to see Revenge of the Sith (more on that later—the short version: far better than I and II, but the acting and dialogue were rather lame, but the visuals were fantastic and the basic plot was superior to the previous two–overall worth seeing, but not at full price) I didn’t get all the tweaks done, it looks like the upgrade went well and the features on WP 1.5 look superior to 1.2.

The themes aren’t that hard to manage once you figure out how the program structures the content.

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