Thursday, September 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Bush did a good job noting that the terrorists are coming to Iraq because Iraq is a central front on the war on terror, and that the foreign terrorists are coming to Iraq to defeat freedom and to stop Iraq from successfully forming a free state. This is a good (and I think accurate) retort to the Kerry claim that Allawi’s comment about terrorists flocking across the borders as simply evidence of failure.

Score another point for the President for addressing Kerry’s “passing the global test” statement in regards to preemptive action. He stumbled a bit on the international criminal court issue.

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By Steven L. Taylor

Kerry has set himself another trap–he just promised that if we would just do what Kerry wants to do, then it would be possible to start withdrawing troops in six months. That’s quite a claim.

He also has now at least twice intimated that Bush went to Iraq for their oil, which is a rather Mooresque charge.

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By Steven L. Taylor

A summit + better training + elections = a plan for Iraq?

Kerry continues to lack much of a plan on Iraq.

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By Steven L. Taylor

“That’s not how a Commander-in-Chief acts”–this is pretty much what Bush is trying to hammer home tonight.

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By Steven L. Taylor

Both candidates are doing a solid job at almost the halfway point. My guess is that pro-Kerry voters think Kerry is winning and pro-Bush voters think Bush is winning.

Kerry has brought up taking the eye off Osama, the cost of Iraq and the honesty issue.

Bush has demonstrated that as President he has been active, and is active, that he is passionate about winning this process, and has pointed out Kerry’s shifting positions (although not all that strongly).

Kerry’s speaks more fluidly, but that is no surprise. Kerry has avoided seeming overly haughty, nor has he been an pedantic as he can be.

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By Steven L. Taylor

Good answer to the idea that Kerry will do a better job of getting help from our allies: “What are we going to tell them? Come join us in a “grand diversion”"?

Plus, pointing out that there are summits planned undercuts Kerry–again, it is the advantage of being the incumbent.

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By Steven L. Taylor

“When I talked about the $87 billion, I made a mistake in how I talked about the war, but the President made a mistake in invading Iraq,which is worse? “–that’s the best Kerry could do to explain the $87 billion after having all that time to plan?

Ok, I will grant, that the vote issue is small compared to the war itself, but surely the Kerry team could have come up with a way to make the $87 billion into an opportunity–or, at least, a way to say that it wasn’t a flip-flop–that answer was a dodge–which doesn’t help his case.

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By Steven L. Taylor

Bush is doing something that he is going to have keep doing, which is point out why a free Iraq is good for the United States, and the role it plays in the war on terror.

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By Steven L. Taylor

Kerry is clearly planning to say that Afghanistan is the war on terror. And bringing up Tommy Franks was unwise, as Franks criticized Kerry for making a similar statement the other day. And bringing up the body armor is about to result is Bush mentioning the $87 billion, which is something you’d think Kerry would want to avoid.

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By Steven L. Taylor

Theme for Kerry: Iraq is a distraction from Afghanistan, which he is now trying to make the War on Terror, it would seem (that may be dangerous, strategy-wise–a focus on Osama is one thing, an over-focus on Afghanistan may not play as well). Further, he is arguing that Iraq takes away domestic spending dollars, which is a dubious proposition, but still a theme that might resonate.

Indeed, Bush may be scoring on the first point by pointing out that 1) the war on terror is a global effort, 2) we have the capability to do more than thing at a time, and 3) he is using Kerry’s argument to focus on just one thing is not to understand the war on terror. Clearly whomever it is who can define what the war on terror actually is, will win the debate, and, ultimately, the election.

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