By Steven L. Taylor
So, the latest example of the virtues of American democracy is the shocking revelation that there are some lurid sex scenes in some of the novels written by VA Senatorial candidate Jim Webb.
Should you wish to read the passages in question (assuming you haven’t already, James Joyner has them). And I agree with James, many of the scenes are pretty tame, and more importantly the writing isn’t all that impressive.
While some think that this will lead to Allen’s victory, I have to wonder.
And, I would note the following from Michelle Malkin, who can normally be counted on to be a partisan cheerleader:
if this what Republican Senate candidates need to do to win elections, I don’t think any of us should be cheering.
Indeed. Malkin’s post noted previous attempts to use the contents of novels (by Lynne Cheney and Scooter Libby, to be precise) to score political points.
And I also have to agree with AllahPundit at Hot Air who asks:
Have we actually reached the point where Senate seats now turn on the sex scandals of fictional characters?
It does seem a bit much, to put it mildly. Are we going to get to the point in our politics where anyone who has ever written a lurid scene in a novel need not apply?
And really, as Radley Balko notes, context matters–especially for the more provocative of the excerpts. Indeed, I would further back up Radley’s analysis that some of this stuff that is being touted as examples of Webb’s inner thoughts is clearly the result of things that he has observed in his time abroad. I hesitate to bring up the details, but I have actually heard of the fruit-related incident in the context of an American serviceman attending a show (so to speak) whilst stationed in Asia. As such, at least two of the more bizarre passages are potentially explainable as something actually observed.
In an interview Webb has stated that the scene of most controversy (which involves a father his young son and oral-genital contact) was a description of something he had actually witnessed: vis CNSN:
Webb Says His Novels ‘Inappropriate’ for News Radio
“It’s not a sexual act,” Webb told Plotkin regarding the “Lost Soldiers” excerpt. “I actually saw this happen in a slum in Bangkok when I was there as a journalist.”
“The duty of a writer is to illuminate his surroundings,” he added.
Coincidentally, a Cambodian woman in Las Vegas is facing sexual assault charges for performing a similar act on her young son, according to an Oct. 14 report in the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
The article quotes an office manager for the Cambodian Association of America, who described the act as a sign of respect or love.
“It’s an exception,” Thira Srey told the Review-Journal of the practice. According to the report, the act is usually performed by a mother or caretaker on a child who is one year old or younger. In Webb’s novel, the child is four years old.
This whole situation may be one the sillier ones I have encountered in my years of observing American politics. It certainly is demonstrative of the clear desperation at the Allen camp–especially since this information came out as part of an official campaign press release rather than being released by allies or surrogates.
Update: Hot Air has an audio clip of the interview listed above. I agree with AllahPundit (and disagree with E. M. Zanotti), I think Webb comported himself well in the interview and went a long way towards diffusing the whole sordid affair.
Meanwhile, Rob at Say Anything has more info of relevance to the act noted above.
Also, a commenter at Say Anything makes a salient point:
if a work of fiction were truly representative of the character of the author, we’d have long since put Stephen King someplace safe, Mickey Spillane and John D. MacDonald would be under some serious suspicion for, well, everything, and Anne Rice would be in a padded cell.
Now, I will grant that none of those folks is running for office. However, it is a point worth pondering.
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By Steven L. Taylor
From the BEA:
Real gross domestic product — the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States — increased at an annual rate of 1.6 percent in the third quarter of 2025, according to advance estimates released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. In the second quarter, real GDP increased 2.6 percent
That is surprisingly poor.
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