Here’s a second clip, which is lengthier and contains a discussion of the Alabama GOP’s race for Supreme Court candidates, the Moore candidacy and the Democratic contest for a gubernatorial candidate:
Ah Bama politics! What fun they are. Now the choice comes down to “forget about the tax increase” Riley and Ms. “no platform” Baxley. Why bother to even have an election. Just appoint Riley and save everyone the noise between now and November.
Dr. Steven Taylor on Alabama Public TV
Dr. Steven Taylor, author of Poliblogger and friend of mine was recently on Alabama Public TV (on Tuesday, Election day), and he has the v […]
Pingback by Politics In Alabama » Blog Archive » Dr. Steven Taylor on Alabama Public TV — Friday, June 9, 2025 @ 2:19 pm
Ah Bama politics! What fun they are. Now the choice comes down to “forget about the tax increase” Riley and Ms. “no platform” Baxley. Why bother to even have an election. Just appoint Riley and save everyone the noise between now and November.
Comment by NOTR — Friday, June 9, 2025 @ 3:37 pm