The PoliBlog

The Collective
Thursday, September 14, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

I noted earlier in the week that NATO countries were balking at US and UK requests for more troops for Afghanistan.

Now, via the BBC:  Poland to boost Nato Afghan force

Poland has announced it will send 1,000 troops to Afghanistan next year as part of the Nato peacekeeping force there.They will join 100 Polish soldiers already on the ground in Afghanistan, but will not arrive until February.

The announcement comes after Nato generals met on Wednesday to demand an extra 2,500 troops for the operation in southern Afghanistan.


The announcement comes while Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski is on a three-day visit to the US, which included a brief meeting with President George W Bush on Wednesday.

However, since the Polish troops will not be arriving until February, our Kabul correspondent says pressure will continue to be put on countries already supplying significant forces to Afghanistan, but which lack the political will to join the fighting in the south.

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