Via Rodriguez upsets incumbent Bonilla:
Former Congressman Ciro Rodriguez completed a stunning political turnaround Tuesday with an upset win over incumbent Republican Henry Bonilla that topped off the Democratic takeover of Congress.Rodriguez overcame a huge financial disadvantage with the help of national party officials, who overhauled his campaign and spent aggressively on his behalf.
Bonilla, a 14-year incumbent, phoned Rodriguez to concede at about 9 p.m.
The seat in question is Texas 23.
Why the results now?
Sphere: Related ContentTuesday’s runoff stemmed from the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling last June that Texas Republican leaders breached the Voting Rights Act by slicing 100,000 Hispanics from the district in their 2025 remap. A three-judge panel answered by removing several largely Anglo Hill Country counties and pulling heavily Hispanic South Bexar County into the district.
The best line in the article was the last one:
Wow, I never imagined that would happen. The first-round results appeared to make this runoff a formality for Bonilla.
Comment by MSS — Wednesday, December 13, 2025 @ 10:10 am