The PoliBlog

The Collective
Thursday, March 8, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

As expected, President Bush’s visit to Latin America has sparked demonstrations.
Brazil police battle Bush protesters - Yahoo! News

Police clashed Thursday with students, environmentalists and left-leaning Brazilians protesting a visit by President Bush and his push for an ethanol energy alliance with Latin America’s largest nation.

Riot police fired tear gas at protesters in Sao Paulo after more than 6,000 people held a largely peaceful march, sending hundreds of demonstrators fleeing and ducking into businesses to avoid the gas.


At National University in Bogota, Colombia, 200 masked students clashed with 300 anti-riot police and shouted “Out Bush!” Police fired tear gas, and the students hurled back rocks and small homemade explosives called “potato bombs” — aluminum foil wrapped around gunpowder. There were no immediate reports of injuries or arrests.

And in Mexico City, which Bush is scheduled to visit Tuesday, about two dozen demonstrators gathered in front of the U.S. Embassy chanting slogans against the U.S. project to construct border fences and Bush’s visit.

I suspect these are only the first in a number of such events.

Previous Post in the series: Bush in Latin America I (First Stop: Brazil)

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