Via BBC: Chavez to expel foreign critics
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has vowed to expel foreigners who publicly criticise him or his government.“No foreigner can come here to attack us. Anyone who does must be removed from this country,” he said during his weekly TV and radio programme.
Mr Chavez also ordered officials to monitor statements made by international figures in Venezuela.
His comments came shortly after a senior Mexican politician publicly criticised the Venezuelan government.
“How long are we going to allow a person - from any country in the world - to come to our own house to say there’s a dictatorship here, that the president is a tyrant, and nobody does anything about it?” Mr Chavez said during his “Hello, President” broadcast on Sunday.
So to prove how wrong those foreigners are, we will expel them!
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Remind anyone of a visit to the UN? The “the devil was here yesterday” visit?
Comment by Max Lybbert — Monday, July 23, 2025 @ 12:44 pm
Mr. Lybbert,
Visiting the UN to speak to the assembly is not the equivalent of going to the US. Quite different, in fact.
And about the devil comment: do you think it hurt dick cheney’s feelings?
Comment by james — Monday, July 23, 2025 @ 1:16 pm
> Visiting the UN to speak to the assembly is not the equivalent of going to the US.
Turtle Bay is physically located in New York. Of course it’s not really US soil.
I didn’t care one way or the other when Chavez made the devil comment. I found it interesting that a few powerful Democratic Senators immediately made statements that it was inappropriate, including Rangel and Pelosi ( ).
My point is that Chavez is fine if he has free speech, but he doesn’t like the idea of others exercising the same right.
Comment by Max Lybbert — Tuesday, July 24, 2025 @ 12:08 pm