Via the BBC: Iraqi leaders sign unity accord
Iraqi Shia, Sunni and Kurdish leaders have signed a reconciliation deal, Prime Minister Nouri Maliki says.
The accord was the second step towards rebuilding Iraq’s political process, Mr Maliki said, after four Kurdish and Shia parties formed a new alliance.
After the meeting, Mr Maliki appeared at a news conference alongside Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, Sunni Vice-President Tariq al-Hashemi, Shia Vice-President Adel Abdul-Mahdi and Massoud Barzani - president of the Kurdish region.
But nothing suggests that the rebuilding of a broad-based government is necessarily any closer, the BBC’s Mike Wooldridge in Baghdad says.
And there’s the rub. One wonders if this isn’t just an attempt to placate the US in terms of political progress.
Reuters refers to the accord as follows: Iraq’s leaders agree on key benchmarks
Iraq’s top Shi’ite, Sunni Arab and Kurdish political leaders announced on Sunday they had reached consensus on some key measures seen as vital to fostering national reconciliation.
Like the BBC piece, it is unclear as to exactly what it is they agreed to, aside from a joint TV appearance.
The only specific detail mentioned in the draft oil law (which has been in draft form for quite some time now):
Yasin Majid, a media adviser to Maliki, told Reuters the leaders also endorsed a draft oil law, which has already been agreed by the cabinet but has not yet gone to parliament.
Not only has the law not gone to parliament, the next paragraph starts with “but”:
But a statement from Talabani’s office said more discussions were needed on the draft oil law and constitutional reforms. Committees had also been formed to try to ensure a “balance” of Shi’ites, Sunni Arabs and Kurds in government.
So, the draft still needs revisions, it would seem.
Quite honestly this whole event (the accord and the TV appearance) smacks of PR instead of progress. Perhaps I am being overly cynical, but it seems like we’ve heard this tune before.
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Im a thinking iffin the presidents had to put their children and fanily members in the wars it would change the war sure as im a tying this aofs in here
Comment by bite — Monday, August 27, 2025 @ 4:50 pm