The PoliBlog

The Collective
Sunday, September 9, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

Via the BBC: Menem charged with weapons sales

Argentina’s former President Carlos Menem has been charged with involvement in the illegal sale of weapons to Croatia and Ecuador during the 1990s.

His passport has been withdrawn and assets worth $120m (£60m) frozen to pay for any fine resulting from the case.

Mr Menem faced similar charges six years ago, but was allowed to walk free by a panel of judges mostly appointed during his 1989-1999 presidency.


Mr Menem is accused of involvement in selling 6,500 tonnes of rifles, cannons, anti-tank rockets and ammunition to Ecuador and Croatia between 1991 and 1995.

The charges deal with false statements about where the arms were going.

El Clarín has more:
Armas: vuelven a procesar a Menem y lo embargan en $ 360 millones.

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