The PoliBlog

The Collective
Friday, December 28, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

Via the Miami Herald: Giuliani, Huckabee battle in Florida

The race is a statistical dead heat in Florida, with Giuliani edging Huckabee by two percentage points in a compilation of polling by Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, with 19 percent of the support among GOP voters, is four points behind Huckabee.

The campaign swings included the usual activities, including Huckabee trying to ingratiate himself to the Cuba community.

Meanwhile, Rudy is clearing banking on a Florida win:

‘’I wouldn’t have been down here two dozen times if Florida wasn’t important to us,'’ Giuliani said at a news conference in Fort Lauderdale. ‘’Whoever wins in Florida will have an advantage on Feb. 5.'’ Two dozen states, including delegate-rich California, New York, New Jersey and Illinois, will vote on that date.

I understand the notion that if he loses in Iowa and New Hampshire (pretty much foregone conclusions both) that he will need a win to show his viability going into Super Terrific Happy February the Fifth, but I am not convinced that voters in California or Illinois will necessarily be affected by a Florida win more than they would be by wins elsewhere. And as far as NY is concerned, one would think that Giuliani would be in very good shape there.

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