The PoliBlog

The Collective
Thursday, January 17, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

First it was the incessant posts by Ron Paul supporters about how this straw poll and that straw poll showed how Paul really had remarkable amounts of support. Now I get an e-mail from the Keyes campaign touting: Keyes places 3rd in Utah Republican Assembly group’s straw poll.

Look, one looks desperate when one touts a win in a straw poll (especially once actual voting has already started), but bragging about coming in third truly borders on the pathetic. I could go on about the smallness of the state and the relative anonymity of the group voting, but that would just be kicking a man when he’s down…

Perhaps the most hilarious (if one has been following the saga of Paul supporters online), is that the winner of this straw poll was (yes, you guessed it!): Ron Paul.

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