Via The Page - by Mark Halperin (@ Time:
SOURCES: Giuliani expected to endorse McCain, as early as Wednesday — in Los Angeles or Simi Valley.
Howard Fineman is currently reporting on MSNBC that this is in fact that case and that the McCain-Giuliani campaigns are trying to figure not if this will happen, but how.
And interesting development, should it pan out this way.
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[…] Giuliani: The word is, as I noted last night, that Giuliani is to Drop Out and Endorse McCain. Certainly in last night’s speech Rudy sounded like a man who knew he was done, speaking of his campaign in the past tense. I think the McCain endorsement is a logical move as one suspects that most Giuliani voters would more likely go to McCain rather than Romney. One suspects as well that Rudy is hoping for a cabinet position in a potential McCain administration. I must confess, AG Giuliani or DHS Secretary Giuliani is not an outcome that I relish. […]
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