“More people have voted for me than for anybody ever running for president before. So we have a very close contest for votes, for delegates, and this is nowhere near over. None of us is going to have the number of delegates we’re going to need to get to the nomination, although I understand my opponent and his supporters are going to claim that.
“The fact is we have to include Michigan and Florida — we cannot claim that we have a nominee based on 48 states, particularly two states that are so important for us to win in the fall,” Mrs. Clinton said.
She has every right to try and make her case to the Superdelegates. Still, this is getting to be a bit pathetic, especially since it is quite likely that Obama will have the majority of the pledged delegates after tonight:
Obama goes into Tuesday’s contests with 1,610.5 pledged delegates won in primaries and caucuses. He needs 17 more to reach a majority of the 3,253 pledged delegates available. Clinton has 1,443.5 pledged delegates, according to the latest tally by The Associated Press.
Obama has a total of 1,915 delegates overall, including endorsements from superdelegates. Clinton has 1,721, according to the latest AP count.
Obama is a little more than 100 delegates short of the 2,026 needed to clinch the nomination. He cannot make up that ground in the Kentucky and Oregon primaries because of the proportional way in which Democrats award delegates. The two states have a total of 103 delegates at stake Tuesday.
[...] of The Daily Dish; Sister Toljah (Right — If you can believe it in this case…); PoliBlog™; Comments From Left Field Bookmark: Tags: Barack Obama, Caucuses, Constitution, Current Events, [...]
Pingback by A Dillusional, Power-Crazed Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton Demonstrates Her PURE Disdain For The Democratic Republic Of Our Founders | THE GUN TOTING LIBERAL™ — Tuesday, May 20, 2025 @ 10:58 am
Over at 538.com, Poblano points out that the Clinton claim about a popular vote lead not only includes Florida and Michigan, but excludes several of the caucus states.
Well, it is cherry season…
Comment by MSS — Tuesday, May 20, 2025 @ 1:02 pm
Poor Hilary! She has engaged in the sport of political campaigns but given little thought to sportsmanship. She has been negative, shrill, weepy, whiney, and is used to having her way. Hopefully, she will learn from this that transparancy, truthfullness, and constructive discussion of the issues is what “we the people want”. Tearing down the other major candidate by questioning his race (her hubby started this), disrespectfully addressing him as “boy”, and outright lies about her experience in Bosnia make her a loser. Mr. Obama’s bi-racial background has nothing to do with his intelligence, his ability to lead and bring people together, and if anything makes him more capable. Having been raised by a white biological mother, who was exceptionally talented, gives him a strong background in two cultures. His involvement in the Black community has made him aware and sensitive to that segment of America. On the other hand, Candidate Clinton has been divisive, self-centered, and has failed to even talk about feminism which she claims as her domain. Her views are similar to the Rebublican candidate, John McCain and to her borderline Democrat husband Bill Clinton.
Comment by Len kay — Tuesday, May 20, 2025 @ 5:42 pm
[...] Matthew Shugart via this comment. Sphere: Related Content Previous Posts Popular Vote [...]
Pingback by PoliBlog (TM): A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » The Clinton’s Bizarre Popular Vote Argument — Wednesday, May 21, 2025 @ 9:14 am