The Collective
Friday, October 10, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

As part of an ongoing (and highly irregular) series of posts on difference political signs this election, here are some more from AL02 as well as from a Montgomery County election.

First, here’s another sign from the AL02 race and another example of the “Mickey Mouse ears” add-ons that I noted before:

Bright sign 10-03-08

The “America First” add-on started showing up a few weeks or so ago. My initial reaction was that it was an odd concept that in a U.S. House race that either candidate could claim “America First” as surely both were, well, Americans and all. I think it is also a reference to fears over illegal immigrants and about American jobs.

I have long thought the “A Proven Leader” tagline was hilarious, as the quotations look like scare quotes rather than a direct quote from someone (indeed, the sign belongs here).

Here’s another set of Bright signs (forgive the poor quality, as it is a blow-up of one section of a photo taken from across a busy intersection):

Bright signs upclose

Not only does this configuration have the “America First” add-on sign, but I was intrigued by the fact that the “I’m a Proud” portion of the “Bright Republican” sign is covered up (Bright is the Democrat in the race, although he is running as an almost-Rep).

Speaking of Republicans, here’s another example of the Mickey Mouse ears add-on signs:

Ingram Sign 1

Ingram is a shoe-in for reelection and has had signs up for months and months. The Republican add-on are new, however, and I thought it was an interesting choice, only insofar as a) why spend the extra cash? and b) because it underscored that even in a campaign cycle wherein being a member of the GOP isn’t necessarily a big bonus, it clearly still is in my portion of Montgomery County (if not in AL in general). I also noticed because it seems that the trend in local elections around here is to avoid placing party identifiers on campaign signs, and so this very blatant signal was of interest (to me, anyway).

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1 Comment »

  • el
  • pt
    1. If I were Bright’s opponent, I would use the “America First” tag against him. Here’s my proposed speech:

      “My opponent is running a campaign where he seems to propose to put Washington first. Well, I’ll tell you, I’m not going to sell out to the Washington insiders. My job is to be the representative for the citizens of the second district.

      “So you can be rest assured that I will always put Alabamans first–not New England liberals, Washington lobbyists, or Hollywood infidels that my opponent apparently favors.

      “Vote for me and I’ll put Alabama’s Second district first–you will never take a back seat to all of the other entrenched special interests.”

      Comment by Ratoe — Friday, October 10, 2025 @ 6:30 pm

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