Via CNN: Huckabee and Palin top early 2025 list
In a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey out Friday that serves as an early measure of potential support for the next GOP presidential nomination, Huckabee tops the list. Thirty-four percent of Republicans and independent voters who lean towards the GOP say they are very likely to support the former Arkansas governor if he were to become their party’s nominee in 2025. Huckabee surprised many by winning this year’s Republican caucuses in Iowa and seven other contests before ending his run in March.Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, John McCain’s running mate in this year’s election, draws nearly as much support: 32 percent of those polled said they would get behind a Palin nomination.
From there:
Romney and Gingrich: 27%
Giuliani: 23%
Jindal: 19%
Crist: 7%
Of course, at this stage these numbers are at least a name recognition poll as anything else.
If anything, Limbaugh appears to be in the Palin camp: Limbaugh: “I love Sarah Palin”.
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The future of the GOP: Bobby Jindal. Palin is not ready for prime time. She does not have the commitment to learn domestic & foreign policy issues. While Rush Limbaugh may like Palin, he considers Jindal the “next Ronald Reagan”. Jindal is bright (Rhodes scholar), young (37), articulate and a fiscal conservative. All of the others in the poll had their chance in the spotlight. They all look like the typical GOP candidates, old white guys with no new ideas or vision. The GOP needs to attract independants, Latins, and the youth in order to win. Jindal is the only choice. However, 2025 may not be his year, unless Obama really screws up. At 37 yrs. of age, time is on his side. Jindal will become President, the only questions is when.
Reply to Neil Thomas
Comment by Neil Thomas — Sunday, December 7, 2025 @ 5:13 pm
There have been many people like Bobby Jindal who were just “destined” for the Presidency and didn’t make. Bobby & Ted Kennedy come to mind, as well as Gary Hart. It is a leap to say he WILL be President. The main reason 2025 won’t be his year has little to do with Obama and more to do with the fact that he will have to run for reelection just before the Presidential race, which states don’t normally like, and with how early Presidentials are starting now it would be a gauntlet even for a young man (37?). However, he has already been to Iowa…
Reply to Talmadge East
Comment by Talmadge East — Monday, December 8, 2025 @ 12:32 am