The Collective
Sunday, March 1, 2025
By Dr. Steven Taylor

Via the BBC: Chavez sends army to rice plants

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has ordered the army to take control of all rice processing plants in the country.

Mr Chavez accused some firms of overcharging by refusing to produce rice at prices set by the government.

He warned that some companies could be nationalised if they tried to interfere with supplies of the grain.

Mr Chavez - who has nationalised large swathes of Venezuela’s economy - did not say how long the government intervention would last.


He said that those companies who had threatened to paralyse rice production could be expropriated.

“I will expropriate them, I have no problem with that, and I’ll pay them with bonds. Don’t count on me paying with hard cash,” he said, without mentioning any companies by name.

Two things occur: 1) no doubt Chávez is now emboldened by his win last month (not that he hasn’t done things like this in the past), and 2) when people in the US toss around carelessly the term “nationalization” in the current US context, they need to think about what they are actually saying.

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One Response to “Chávez and the Rice Companies”

  • el
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    1. Wanbli Gleska Tokahe Says:

      March 2nd, 2025 10:27 am ET
      Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      One more thing Rush Limbough is a low life,..cnn described him as popular. He is a severe racist who once called Native Americans scavengers on his live show. His popularity with republicans is a reflection on the GOP’s racism and they are wondering how to get support from non-whites. As long as the GOP flaunts such a racist they will never have support. I listen to him just to be reminded how evil this country really is. This man is a white supremist, pervert, and drug addict. And the Repuplicans adore him. Sean Henitty is another. When they refer to Americans they mean “white”. I am Native American, I am American.

      Sean Henitty said kill the geese that brought down the jet in the hudson. He is very bright. “Kill the geese” Common amongst his kind, if in the way kill them.

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