I have seen several basic affirmations (although not directly aimed at me) of what I was saying this morning about Secretary Clinton’s comments in Mexico about drugs (e.g., John Cole).
I also note that Joshua Keating at FPs’ Passport is also onboard (The administration’s disconnect on drugs
I’ll take the power of supply-and-demand over security agents and helicopters any day.
The U.S. has spent over $6 billion on a military solution to Colombia’s drug production and all we have to show for it is a 15 percent increase in cocaine cultivation.
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March 27th, 2025 at 6:32 am
Rationalizing our drug laws will take a concerted and truly bi-partisan effort. I am glad to see the dialogue continue with references across academic disciplines, government functions and ideological lines. I believe this blog in particular is providing valuable insight and provoking thoughtful analysis by others.
There was an interesting conversation on a local radio show last night (WGN Milt Rosenburg) regarding gun regulations. The conservative, pro-gun (anti-regulation) advocate pointed out that the majority of gun violence in the USA was related directly to the “insane” (his term) War on Drugs. And he pointed out that our local black market in the weapons used to by drug gangs to facilitate their illegal drug trade would only be eradicated with an end to drug prohibition.
It is an interesting, truthful and long overdue position for gun advocates to adopt I believe. I think the lead in drug law reform will need to be taken by conservatives at least initially.
by RandyB