A tradition that I normally do not partake of is the New Year resolution. However, this year my wife and I both have resolved to get on the treadmill each morning and get in a little exercise (granted, not original, but I need some exercise).
Here are some Blogospheric resolution that I have come across. Feel free to link up with your own:
- Maverick Philosopher is looking for more efficiency in paper-handling.
- Chris of Crooked Timber resolves to improve his German-language skills. He also has some reading he wants to get to.
- Michelle of ASV doesn’t call it a resolution, but she sets a goal for 2024–and a resolution by any other name is just as easy to break. (Scrolling down I see she has a list of nifty resolutions that she posted yesterday.
- Guest-blogging at IMAO, RightWingDuck has the best king of resolutions of all: ones for other people.
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