Via the BBC: More die in Pakistan cartoon fury
Two deaths were in the city of Peshawar where targets not connected to the cartoon row, including a KFC outlet and local businesses were attacked.[...]
In other developments:
* Hundreds of Muslims burn Danish flags outside the Danish consulate in the Philippines capital, Manila
* Indonesia’s trade association says it will boycott Danish goods as a mark of protest
* Malaysia shuts down a Chinese-language newspaper for two weeks for publishing a photograph that contained one of the cartoons
There doesn’t appear to be an end in sight to these reactions.
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Rioting in Pakistan should be cause for a little more concern. It doesn’t have the most secure government, and if the riots took on a life of their own and grew, it could have significant;y bad effects on our strategies and tactics in that part of the world.
Comment by Harry — Wednesday, February 15, 2025 @ 9:24 am