Monday, May 22, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

In regards to the bogus story about the Iranianss putting Jews and other non-Muslims to wear distinctive clothing, James Joyner notes the following chilling notion:

It’s classic pre-war propaganda.

That isn’t a comforting thought.

See Jim Henley for more.

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5 Responses to “Iran and “Pre-War Propaganda””

  • el
  • pt
    1. John Hay Says:

      It may be bogus, but I think it gained traction because of what the Taliban had done in Afghanistan.

    2. The Politburo Diktat » Blog Archive » The Iran ‘Jew badge’ story - “pre-war propaganda?” Says:

      [...] ourhardani, Minister of Islamic Orientation.” Joyner: It’s classic pre-war propaganda. Taylor  notes the above comments, presumably with concurrence, adding: That isn’t a comforting thought [...]

    3. Non Partisan Pundit Says:

      Beware the Exiles

      Updated The recent controversy surrounding the Iranian “dress code” law got me thinking about the role of exiles in creating policy and influencing public opinion. The “dress code” story was published last week by Canada’s National Post descr…

    4. By the Way § Unqualified Offerings Says:

      [...] e been excellent in their follow-up to the Taheri story. See Outside the Beltway, Hot Air, Poliblog and the Politburo Diktat for starters. Also, in comments to the last, the latest outbreak in the tra [...]

    5. Barry Says:

      “It may be bogus, but I think it gained traction because of what the Taliban had done in Afghanistan. ”

      Comment by John Hay

      Who are, IIRC, a different group of people, and whose idea of religious duties included killing Shiites.

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