Jewaira reports on her experience voting in Kuwait. where women were allowed for the first time today:
I was proud of the women I saw today, standing in the sweltering heat, smiling, trying hard to control their tempers. I was proud of those two pregnant young ladies who sat for more than an hour before an older woman decided to take them through. I was happy to see women of all ages and backgrounds participate in this historic event. And most of all, I was proud of those active young girls who put so much of their hearts into the committees and the campaigns of the candidates, working from the very bottom and learning it all.
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June 30th, 2025 at 11:25 am
[...] andidates that and self-respecting woman would be expected to vote for cleaned up, and the women voted enthusiastically. Please note yet another postive outcome for Anglo-spheric involvment on the liv [...]