Friday, June 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Quoth TNR‘s Lee Siegel:

When I see someone wearing a baseball cap in a movie theater, I want them to bring back the guillotine.

This is the same fellow who accused blogs of being “hard fascism with a Microsoft face.”

I, of course, made much of the fact that he wrote that sentence on a blog without noticing the irony thereof.

This current statement regarding baseball caps and decapitation makes me think he has no sense of irony or self introspection (in terms of his public words at least) whatsoever.

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4 Responses to “The World of Lee Siegel is an Interesting Place”

  • el
  • pt
    1. KipEsquire Says:

      There’s a word for such thinking:


    2. The Florida Masochist Says:

      Chop Chop

      As to guillotine Lee, you go first. Get a life.

    3. The Florida Masochist Says:

      Chop Chop

      As to guillotine Lee, you go first. Get a life.

    4. The Florida Masochist » Blog Archive » Chop Chop Says:

      [...] alot of weight since that photo. As to guillotine Lee, you go first. Get a life. Hat tip- Poliblog Open Post- Adam’s Blog, Outside the Beltway This entry was posted [...]

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