Sunday, July 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

The Herald Sun of Australia reportsPhotos that damn Hezbollah

The images, obtained exclusively by the Sunday Herald Sun, show Hezbollah using high-density residential areas as launch pads for rockets and heavy-calibre weapons.

Dressed in civilian clothing so they can quickly disappear, the militants carrying automatic assault rifles and ride in on trucks mounted with cannon.

The photos themselves are not quite as dramatic as the headline. I say that mostly because it is hardly a secret that Hezbollah has been operating amongst the civilian population. It is the nature of this kind of guerrilla warfare (and I say that not to excuse or defend, but to state fact).

Having said that that I have no doubts that Hezbollah has staged their weapons in such a way as to purposefully put civilians in harms way, and also acknowledging that some of the civilian deaths in Lebanon have been Hezbollah fighters in civilian clothing, I must confess that these photos aren’t really all that useful.

First, only two of the three (and those two are two shot of the same scene) look to be obviously in the middle of building that potentially is a residential complex. And, quite honestly, it is unclear from the picture that the building in the photo is a residential in nature.

As such, the photos are not as damning as the headline writer would like them to be.

Of more significance, perhaps, the photos show most of the militants as being in civilian clothing.

Much will still be made of this pictures, I expect. That the fact that Hezbollah fights among the civilian population does not, however, take away from the tragedy of the innocents who have died in this conflict.

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3 Responses to “Hezbollah Photos”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Below The Beltway » Blog Archive » The Truth About Hezbollah Says:

      [...] m The Volokh Conspiracy, Atlas Shrugs, Wizbang,  Rantingprofs, Captain’s Quarters, PoliBlog, Murdoc Online, Flopping Aces, The Strata-Sphere, Michelle Malkin and The Corner [...]

    2. A Stitch in Haste Says:

      “Human Shield” Quote of the Day

      “We can forgive you for killing our children, but we can never forgive you for making us kill your children.”
      –Golda Meir, to Anwar Sadat, 1973

      It’s quite simple re…

    3. renegade wasp Says:

      Why is it that the news agencies say nothing about the two missing Israeli soldiers? I can’t imagine what these men are going through if they are still alive. I have also not heard the exact situation about their kidnapping. I’m getting a little tired of the press covering the terrible Israelis when Hesballa has launched over 200 missles at residential areas while hiding their missles in residential areas themselves. Also, how many od the civilian casaualties are actually Hesballa?

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