Sunday, October 1, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the NYT: Palestinian Factions Clash, Killing 5

Hamas and Fatah gunmen fought running battles in Gaza today, as Hamas forces tried to disrupt Fatah-organized protests over unpaid government salaries. Five Palestinians were killed and more than 75 were wounded.

That the two have clasehd is hardly a surprise. I suppose that this is what one gets when political factions are armed:

The clashes in Gaza were bloody, with Hamas militiamen under an auxiliary command known as the “Executive Force,” formally now part of the police, trying to break up a large demonstration near Gaza City’s parliament building. The Hamas men, in black T-shirts and camouflage pants, fired guns and antitank grenades after the interior minister, Siad Siam of Hamas, ordered them to stop what Hamas considers to be a rebellion among the Fatah-dominated security forces.

Supporters of Fatah, including the preventive-security service and Mr. Abbas’s presidential guard, then fired back.

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