Thursday, October 19, 2024
By Steven L. Taylor

Via Arms and Influence we find this piece of hilarity that proves that someone somewhere has both excellent editing skills and an awful lot of time on their hands:

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4 Responses to “Classic”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Steven L. Says:


    2. Outside The Beltway | OTB Says:

      Tony Blair ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go’ Video Mashup

      I agree with Steven Taylor that whoever created this video of Tony Blair performing the Clash classic “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” has “both excellent editing skills and an awful lot of time on their hands.”

      It perhaps als…

    3. Irrational Woman Says:

      Must See

      Now this you’ve got to see. Steven Taylor has posted a great video of Tony Blair “singing” “Should I Stay or Should I Go”. You’ve got to check it out. Whoever made it did an excellent job.

    4. Sheri Says:

      It’s like watching the British version of Max Headroom…

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