Of course, saying that an amendment to the Constitution has to go before the Supreme Court (as he did when Russert mentioned voting for an amendment to ban abortions) doesn’t make one look too swift…
I’ll post the quote when the transcript is up.
Updates: Here ya go (MTP Transcript for Oct. 29):
MR. RUSSERT: Another issue that has emerged in the campaign. Here’s the latest headline. “Religious leaders and abortion foes are pumping more than $140,000 into the final weeks of the Maryland U.S. Senate contest to motivate ‘values voters’ by elevating such issues as abortion and same-sex marriage. … National Right to Life’s political action committee plans to run radio commercials on Steele’s behalf … and has spent more than $72,000 supporting [his] candidacy with ads and mail.” The National Abortion Rights Action League supporting your campaign, Mr. Cardin. The issue is being engaged. And let me ask each of you. Mr. Steele, if you’re United States Senator, would you vote for a constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion?LT. GOV. STEELE: I don’t — vote for a constitutional amendment to outlaw abortion? I think we’d have to have that get to the Supreme Court, wouldn’t we? I haven’t seen that bill proposed. I don’t think…
Tot be fair, people are going to make mistakes, but still, someone running for the Senate should know the amendment process.
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October 29th, 2025 at 10:40 am
Agreed. It doesn’t make Steele look very smart.
This type of embarassing mistake happened a few months back also. A North Carolina Poli Sci Professor said the same thing but in a Charlotte Observer Op-Ed. I think the Professor was worse, she had to know better.
October 29th, 2025 at 5:01 pm
I didn’t see it but could he be saying that court would have to overturn Roe, and that he doesn’t support the formal amendment?
Regardless, it does not make him look good.
October 31st, 2025 at 12:38 pm
It was a real lame attempt at a punt. Also illustrates the theory of “judicial overhang”: even folks running for the Senate may think that the Constitution is the province of the courts.
November 30th, 2025 at 1:32 am
Women should be allowed to chose what to do with their bodies no matter weather if its good or bad.Politicians have no right to allow to say whats good for a womans body and whats not.A man shouldn’t be able to say what a woman should do with her body because they have no idea what its is like to carry a child in their body for nine. month’s. I agree Steele’s comment was stupid because if religious groups are supporting him and then he comments that hes never seen this ‘proposal’ I think the people would be pretty mad because of the fact that hes denying the proposal that he has to be supporting.