Friday, December 15, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

I received a letter from Verizon’s attorney’s via e-mail within the last hour. Here is the main text:

While their letter was written in response to my letter of 11/21/06, it strikes me as unlikely that it is coincidence that it comes just as the issue started to receive Blogospheric attention as of last night and into today.

I very much thank all of you who posted comments to their site as well as to all of you who posted this story on your blogs.

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9 Responses to “Success! (Faux PoliBlog Update)”

  • el
  • pt
    1. PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Verizon’s Faux PoliBlog Says:

      [...] Breaking Update: Verizon has decided to change the name. See here. [...]

    2. The American Mind / What’s in a Name? Verizon Copys Weblog Name Says:

      [...] UPDATE: Success! Verizon decided to rename their weblog “Policy Blog.” They’ve banked some karma. Was it my persuasive comment? Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. [...]

    3. Outside The Beltway | OTB Says:

      Verizon Steals PoliBlog Name ***UPDATE***

      The folks at Verizon have persisted in operating a not-very-good blog by the name “PoliBlog.” This, despite the fact that Steven Taylor has been running a good blog named “PoliBlog” since February 2025; is the #1, #2, and #3 s…

    4. Professor Bainbridge's Journal Says:

      Trademark Your Blog!

      Verizon tried to appropriate the name of Steven Taylor’s Poliblog. He reports they’ve now backed down. This is the second time that somebody tried to use that name. I’ve recommended that Steve get a registered servicemark for his blog. I

    5. MSS Says:

      Great news. Congratulations!!

    6. Mark Says:

      Steven Taylor – company blog slayer!

    7. Jan Says:

      I’m glad to hear it!

    8. Gun Toting Liberal » Blog Archive » What would happen if you created a blog called ‘The Verizon Blog’? Says:

      [...] Verizon has apparently decided to desist in their legal efforts to cling onto the name “Poliblog” after all. I kind of had a feeling they wouldn’t want to have this flavor of publicity. Congratulations to Verizon for doing the right thing, and congratulations to Dr. Taylor for retaining the one and ONLY “PoliBlog”. [...]

    9. Steven L. Says:


      As they say on the internets.

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