Writing at Swampland, Joe Klein, in contemplating a Clinton-Giuliani contest in 08 opined
I’m beginning to think, hmmm, there is a possibility we might be headed that way. Which could, in turn, create the rationale for Bloomberg…
Could someone please explain to me why a Clinton-Giuliani race would make it more likely that Bloomberg would enter the race. Is this some sort of New York Critical Mass Theory?
It would seem to me that a Giuliani candidacy would detract from Bloomberg’s alleged appeal, given that Giuliani might attract some social moderates that a hardcore conservative GOP nominee would repel.
Is Klein suggesting that Bloomberg could enter as the anti-war candidate?
Any other theories?
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July 18th, 2025 at 12:23 pm
[...] Joe Klein opines that Hillary + Rudy = a greater chance that Bloomberg runs. Does that makes any sense? discuss. [...]
July 18th, 2025 at 12:23 pm
[...] Joe Klein opines that Hillary + Rudy = a greater chance that Bloomberg runs. Does that makes any sense? discuss. [...]
July 18th, 2025 at 1:11 pm
I think it is important to include the “Nawww.” Klein in being facetious as well as taking a little shot at third-party candidates. In other words Bloomberg would be like, “oh my God there are 2 candidates from New York running, I must get in and upstage Ross Perot for the single biggest act of masturbation the world has ever seen.”
July 18th, 2025 at 1:16 pm
I agree that Klein is dismissive of the thought, but the fact that he had the thought in the first place and then decided to blog it for the world to see trumps the “Nawww”.
July 18th, 2025 at 2:31 pm
There’s the ego factor. Bloomberg could think that if either Clinton or Giuliani, both New Yorkers, are good enough for the White House why not him.
It would be a stupid waste of money. If he wants to stroke his ego he could get into horse racing. It’s cheaper and probably more satisfying.
July 18th, 2025 at 3:05 pm
The more likely explanation is that Klien is just an idiot who is prone to making dumb observations.
July 18th, 2025 at 3:33 pm
It would seem to me that a Giuliani candidacy would detract from Bloomberg’s alleged appeal, given that Giuliani might attract some social moderates that a hardcore conservative GOP nominee would repel.
Is Klein suggesting that Bloomberg could enter as the anti-war candidate?
Bloomberg wouldn’t be the “anti-war” candidate–he has articulated his support for Bush’s handling of it on numerous occasions.
As for Giuliani detracting from Bloomberg’s appeal, I am not sure. Giuliani has a long and untoward record on numerous fronts that [hopefully] will be given significant attention if he wins the nomination.
Bloomberg, by contrast, has a clean record and, for all intents and purposes, is a pretty honorable guy.
It is this fact that will distinguish him from Rudy. Both Rudy and Hillary have too many negatives, whereas Bloomberg doesn’t [save for his religion which will undoubtedly turn off the religous nutcase set].
Bloomberg can play the “successful businessman” card like Perot did–but he doesn’t have the latter’s “Texas crazy” to hold him back from attracting moderates in key Midwest and Mountain West swing states.
July 19th, 2025 at 1:13 pm
I am sure Ross Perot ran because of something he hated about the Bush family. I think what Klein probably is implying is that Bloomberg hates one of the other two and could tip the election.
July 20th, 2025 at 4:04 pm
I was about to ask Ratoe what Blommberg’s religion was that he was referring to as turning off the “religous nutcase set.” And then I thought, Oh, duh. Same as mine. But I just never think of it, primarily anyway, as a “religion.”
July 20th, 2025 at 4:06 pm
Oops, Bloomberg. Yes, as Steven knows, I have typo issues. Clearly I should be, uh, more “religious” about my proofreading
July 20th, 2025 at 4:47 pm
No complaints here, as it makes me feel better to have company (not that you are as bad as I in that department).