Via the AP: White House press secretary Snow resigns – Yahoo! News
Tony Snow, the highly visible White House press secretary, will leave his job on Sept. 14 and be replaced by his deputy, Dana Perino, an administration official said Friday.
This was, of course, an expected move.
Press Secretary is one of those jobs that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, as it seems that one is in a no win position, i.e., having to be the public voice for someone else and doing so under orders to say certain things, but not others.
I wish Snow well, especially given his struggle with cancer.
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September 1st, 2025 at 11:37 pm
Yeah, let’s wish Snow well. Afterall, he’s part of the winning team of liars who continue to spit in the face of our Constitution and democracy. Lying, I guess, is honorable as long as it benefits your political party. Lying is okay when it comes from the president’s office and his representatives. Twisting the truth, being rude to the media, thwarting democracy, lying about scandalous activities, flaunting your arrogance and treating the American public like crap is business as usual for Tony Snow, and we’re supposed to feel sorry for him because he’s sick? He certainly has no feelings for the rest of us. Like everyone else in the Bush administration, he’s a sorry excuse for a public servant and a disgrace.
September 2nd, 2025 at 9:33 am
It simply seems to me that there is room for human compassion.
Further, there strikes me as no need to demonize people, which is what both sides do to the press secretary of presidents they don’t like.