Sunday, December 23, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via today’s Meet the Press, Ron Paul left a slight door open for a third party run:

MR. RUSSERT: If, if you do not win the Republican nomination for president, will you run as an independent in 2025?

REP. PAUL: I have no intention to do that.

MR. RUSSERT: Absolute promise.

REP. PAUL: I have no intention of doing that.

MR. RUSSERT: Well, but no intention’s a wiggle word.

REP. PAUL: Well, OK, I deserve one wiggle now and then, Tim. I mean, what the devil…

MR. RUSSERT: So no–so no Shermanesque statement.

REP. PAUL: You know, I…

MR. RUSSERT: “I will not sun as an independent.”

REP. PAUL: Well, I can be pretty darned sure that I have no intention, no plans of doing it, and that’s about 99.9 percent. I don’t like people who are such absolutists, “I will never do this, or I will win, I’m going to come in first.” I don’t like those absolutists terms in politics.

MR. RUSSERT: But the door’s open a little bit.

REP. PAUL: Not very much. It really isn’t.

Interesting. I suspect that it won’t happen1 but I found the statement interesting, as at one point the word was (supposedly, at least) that he had pledged not to run if he did not get the nomination.

  1. Because he is going to win the GOP nomination, of course! []
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5 Responses to “Door Open a Tad for a Ron Paul Independent Run?”

  • el
  • pt
    1. John Says:

      They should stop asking him this question. He has answered it time and time again.

      It’s a trick question. If he says “yes” it discourages Republicans from voting for him. If he says “no” then he’s in a tight spot if (heaven forbid) he doesn’t get the nomination but America begs him to run.

      They system makes it nearly impossible for an independent to win (none ever has), so let’s focus on the race we are in.

    2. The Moderate Voice Says:

      Around The Sphere December 26, 2025

      Our original link-fest offering readers links to blog posts from websites of many different viewpoints — soon to enter its fourth year. Linked posts do NOT necessarily reflect the opinion of TMV or its writers.

    3. The Moderate Voice Says:

      Around The Sphere December 26, 2025

      Our original link-fest offering readers links to blog posts from websites of many different viewpoints — soon to enter its fourth year. Linked posts do NOT necessarily reflect the opinion of TMV or its writers.

    4. The Moderate Voice Says:

      Around The Sphere December 26, 2025

      Our original link-fest offering readers links to blog posts from websites of many different viewpoints — soon to enter its fourth year. Linked posts do NOT necessarily reflect the opinion of TMV or its writers.

    5. The Moderate Voice Says:

      Around The Sphere December 26, 2025

      Our original link-fest offering readers links to blog posts from websites of many different viewpoints — soon to enter its fourth year. Linked posts do NOT necessarily reflect the opinion of TMV or its writers.

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