Sunday, December 30, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the BBC: Colombia hostage mission delayed

An operation by Venezuelan helicopters to collect three hostages due to be released in Colombia by the Farc rebel group has been delayed for another day.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Venezuelan officials said the guerrillas had not yet given them the co-ordinates for the handover.

I first noted this story over a week ago (here and here) and hope that the handover takes place. However, it is not surprising that it has been delayed and I will not be surprised if it doesn’t take place. If the FARC can find a way to fail to turn over the hostages and in so doing find a way to make it look like it is President Uribe’s fault that the handover fails to take place, I think that they will be more than happy to take that route.

At the moment, the exchange could take place today or tomorrow.

For the sake of the captive and their families, I pray that it happens soon and without any problems.

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5 Responses to “Waiting on the FARC”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Greg Weeks Says:

      The dilemma would be making Uribe look bad without also making Chavez look bad.

    2. Dr. Steven Taylor Says:

      I think it is possible to find a way to make Chavez look like the angel of mercy, set to help and Uribe the obstacle to reunited families: if Uribe had just done what Chavez wanted, the FARC would have complied, etc.

    3. xango Says:

      great blog

    4. PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » Speaking of Delays (Colobmbia Hostage Situation Edition) Says:

      [...] commented on the story yesterday. Sadly, no added optimism after the additional delay. Sphere: Related Content Filed under: Latin America, Colombia || [...]

    5. PoliBlog ™: A Rough Draft of my Thoughts » FARC Hostage Hand-Over Suspended Says:

      [...] Sadly, as I feared (via the BBC): Colombian hostage release halted A Venezuelan-led mission to free three hostages held by Colombian left-wing Farc rebels has been suspended. The rebels said the planned release was not possible because of government military operations, according to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. But the Colombian president Alvaro Uribe said no new operations were under way and that the rebels may not be in possession of one of the hostages. [...]

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