Friday, January 4, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Iowa is old news….on to New Hampshire!

Via Reuters: Clinton and McCain lead in New Hampshire

Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John McCain hold leads in New Hampshire four days before the state’s presidential nominating contest, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Friday.


In the New Hampshire poll, Clinton, a New York senator and former first lady, led Illinois Sen. Obama 32 percent to 26 percent among likely voters in the state’s Democratic primary. Former Sen. John Edwards, the runner-up in Iowa, was at 20 percent, and no other Democrat was in double digits.


Among Republicans in New Hampshire, Arizona Sen. McCain holds an early four-point edge on former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, 34 percent to 30 percent.

Huckabee, a former Arkansas governor and Baptist minister, was at 10 percent in New Hampshire, which does not have as many of the evangelical voters who helped propel him to his Iowa win.

The poll was taken before last night’s caucuses, and hence any effects that the result may have on NH is not reflected in the numbers. Given that the GOP results were not especially surprising, I can’t see how they would make much difference to New Hampshirites. I suppose that Obama’s win could alter the way that some view him, but really the results of the contest were basically a three-way tie for all practical purposes, so again, I am not sure why that would change anybody’s mind. Obama may look slightly more “electable” because of the win, but it isn’t like Clinton was mortally wounded or anything (and yes, I continue to basically discount Edwards).

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3 Responses to “Latest NH Polls”

  • el
  • pt
    1. Helen Orendain Says:

      The media and tv pundits seem to disregard Edward’s potential impact. His populist message resonants across the country especially in this nervous economy.

      Furthermore, he is an articulate, educated individual. The cruel realities are many voters will reject a woman president, as well as a black president. He stands to gain from the fallout. HO

    2. Mike Lanman Says:

      Every pundit, democrats and republicans alike, are getting it wrong. The number one issue in this country is division & partisinship. A vast majority of american voters will vote for the candidate who they think can heal this division. Political pundits, by their very job description will not acknowledge this nor even understand it. Without this division they could not find work. Division & partisinship trumps all the issues because the degree Washington DC exhibits this inability to work with one another ensures no viable solutions will be developed for any issue. Obama and Huckabee are the clearest choices in healing this division.

    3. Nancy Says:

      I am wondering if any of Mitt Rommey,s 5 sons have served in the military of have ever been in public service work. If so why not?????????? He says his family does so much for our country, I am wondering what that is?

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