Saturday, January 5, 2025
By Steven L. Taylor

Via the Casper Star-Tribune: Romney grabs two Wyoming delegates

Mitt Romney grabbed the early lead in Wyoming’s Republican caucuses today as the state had its brief moment in the political spotlight sandwiched between attention-getting contests in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The former Massachusetts governor gained the first two delegates from Laramie and Albany counties in southeastern Wyoming. Romney was expected to do well in the western part of the state where more members of his Mormon faith reside. Results were expected throughout the day.

And a slight correction to my earlier post, only 12 delegates are being chosen today (the same number up for grabs for the GOP in NH), and 2 others will be selected later:

Besides the 12 delegates chosen at Saturday’s county conventions, two delegates to be chosen at a statewide convention in May will also be sent to the national convention in Minneapolis.

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