Well, it’s clear that Rudy’s delusional Florida fantasies have crumbled to the bottom of the toaster.
The question is: how long until he is officially out of the race?
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January 29th, 2025 at 8:01 pm
Come on, he’s just building his momentum!
January 29th, 2025 at 10:39 pm
[...] I am not too excercised about Florida. I had harbored high hopes for Rudy, but he pandered to Florida’s awfully bad insurance pool idea (see links above, earlier this week), so he probably deserved to get thwacked. The former mayor of Wall Street should know better, just as I think he could have won Iowa campaigning against ethanol subsidies. Capital markets should be both broad and deep. The name of the insurance regulation and equities game should be spreading the risk, not concentrating it, certainly not by government fiat. Even Governor Huckabee seemed on some level to grasp that. Adieu mayor. I expect a bye-ku soon. (Poliblogger has more and does too.) More’s the pity. [...]